
A la edad de 11 años, Vasti canto sus primeras alabanzas en su iglesia. Desde ese entones, ella no ha parado de cantar cánticos nuevos al Señor en su ciudad natal de Houston, TX y en diferentes partes del mundo. Vasti es graduada del prestigioso High School for the Performing and Visual Arts (HSPVA) y de Houston Baptist University donde estudio música y canto. Recientemente ella empezó su maestría en negocio de la música. Su deseo es de edificar el reino de Dios con su musica e inspirar a creyentes a vivir vidas mas comprometidas a Dios.

At age 11, Vast sang her first solos at her church. Since then, she has not stopped to singing new songs to the Lord in her native city of Houston, TX and in different parts of the world. Vasti is a graduate of the prestigious High School for the Performing and Visual Arts (HSPVA) and Houston Baptist University where she studied music education. She recently began her MBA in music business. She is a sought after musician and teacher. Her desire is to build the kingdom of God with her music and to inspire believers to live committed lives for Jesus.

Photography by Merari Cantu.